Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why do matadors use red capes and unusual uniforms during a bullfight?

Bullfighting is one of the oldest sport so to speak in Latin-America. It's history often points back that bullfighting originated from Rome as a temporary replacement to gladiatorial matches.

The main reason why matadors uses unusual clothes or uniforms is rooted with its history and culture. Since the time the sport has been practiced the matadors are already using velvets as a part of the performance.

The red cape on the other hand is a tool to make the bull come closer the matador. But contrary to many beliefs, the color red does not anger the bull because the bull is colorblind. The movements however of the cape is what allure a bull thus try to gore the cape. There are other colors used for the cape. Gold is one and is basically used in the first death stage wherein a matador allures a bull with gold cape.

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