Monday, March 29, 2010

What is the difference between a yarn, fibre, and fabric?

By this question, you have already in mind any definition about textile and you obviously know something about textiles as this three are terms that pertains to particular by-products brought by the process involved in the making of textiles. Simply put, the yarn, fibre, and fabric are individual products made from the making of fabric.

The fabric is the final product by the process, though not in contrast, apparels are the end-product made of fabrics. The cloth that you can see in textile stores that are rolled are the fabrics. They come in different colors, designs, texture, and thickness. They are either woven or knitted. Fabrics are used to make corporate uniforms, workwear uniforms, jackets and all other textiles.

The yarn on the other hand is a processed fibre. Yarns are threads made of fibre from known raw materials like cotton balls, silk, or wool.