Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why Presidents Use Several Pens for One Signature?

When President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - also known as the controversial health care reform bill that says will benefit many Americans including healthcare professional in medical scrubs - he used 22 new pens. Last year when he signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act he used 7. In fact, all Presidents since FDR has been doing the same thing.

The main answer to this question has no relation to whatever logical reasoning except that this has become a tradition. It is not because the pens are not good so a president would need another but this has become a custom so the president can give the pen as souvenir to those who attends the ceremony and to those who has been part of the drafting or passage of the bill.

FYI, the President who have signed a bill with most number of pens was President Lyndon Johnson with 75. (Video footage here.) George W. Bush seems to be tradition breaker when he only used 1 pen to sign all bills sent to the WhiteHouse. However, he still gave "gift" pens to the attendees of the ceremony.

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