Monday, July 26, 2010

What is mold poisoning?

The late Brittany Murphy and her husband in the recent reports released were said to have been killed. Yes. Killed not by outlaws but by criminal toxins. When Ms. Murphy died of complications from pneumonia, doctors in medical scrubs, did not immediately thought of the possibility she might have died of poisoning. In fact, they ruled she died of drug overdose. Shortly after few months, her husband was also found dead in the same house Ms. Murphy died. The cause: cardiac arrest. But few days ago, a report had been released about the death of the couple: mold poisoning.

So I did a research about mold poisoning and well try to answer the query.

Mold poisoning, also known as black mold poisoning, happens when a human being happens to eat, inhale, or contaminated by fungus(found in molds) which contains mycotoxin. We often see molds in every part of our house and it dwells vastly to humid and wet places. We often see them in jams, cheeses, fruits, and breads. Mycotoxin may be in a form of gas excreted by the fungus it contains and when a human inhales said toxic in large volume can result to death or other physical complications.

Pneumonia might be a result of a black mold poisoning as the toxic can enter the lungs which can cause for the latter to bleed. There are also physical indications of contamination like skin allergies for instance. Gradual memory loss or frequent nausea may also be one of the symptoms of mold poisoning.

For more information about this, its good you pay a visit to your physician and request for a test. To avoid molds at home, make sure you clean regularly and throw unconsumed food that might be a good place for mold production.

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